Monday, January 12, 2009

Endometriosis and Vitamin A

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. As we know, nutritional supplements play a very important role in treating endometriosis. In this article, we will discuss how vitamin A helps to treat endometriosis.

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I. Definition
Vitamin A is a bi-polar molecule formed by bonds between carbon and hydrogen. It is a fat soluble vitamin. This means it can not be stored in the liver but it can be converted from beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant. Besides helping in treating endometriosis, it is also known to have strong effects in improving vision and enhancing bone growth.

II. Vitamin A and endometriosis
a) Vitamin A is a very powerful antioxidant that not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also protects against the growth of endometriosis.

b) Vitamin A helps in regulating the gene expression by fighting against the forming of free radicals and protecting the body organs from abnormal growth of endometrial implants and adhesion.

c) Red blood cell production
Vitamin A working together with iron helps to aid the production of red blood cells and improve the oxygen level in the circulation of blood which is necessary for the body's cells. This results in a stronger immune system as well as protecting the forming of abnormal cells.

d) Working together with Zinc
Zinc deficiency interferes with
a) Vitamin A function of protein synthesis and fatty acid metabolism.
b) Reducing the activity of enzyme that release vitamin A palmitate from the liver causing a weakened immune system fighting against the forming of free radicals, and endometrial implants, and adhesion.

e) Work together with iron
Iron is necessary for production of red blood cells that carry oxygen in the blood stream for the body's cells. Women who have endometriosis with heavy blood loss during menstruation normally have iron deficiency because of loss of iron which is far greater than what the body can produce leading to anemia. Intake of vitamin A and iron will increase the production of red blood cells far better than taking iron supplements alone.
Remember, overloading on zinc or iron is toxic to our body. Please make sure to talk to your doctor for the correct amount.

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and self help , if you have endometroisis, please look on the bright side.

I hope this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advice, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:

To read the series of endometriosis visit:
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I hope this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advices, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:

To read the series of endometriosis visit:

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